more on flickr geotagging
After yesterday’s post, I was wondering about geotagging, and specifically whether or not it’s possible to export the location data created in the geotagging process as standard flickr tabs. If I’m going to put my photos in Flickr and Google Earth I don’t really want to have to go through the geotagging process twice! Anyway, in the Flickr Geotagging Group I found a link to a great Greasemonkey script for adding visible lat and long tags to photos, which I’m hoping to explore further.
Welcome to Archaeogeek
Archaeogeek is about one person’s experiences using modern computing technologies in archaeology, in the UK. My name is Jo Cook, and I am the Information Systems Coordinator at the northern office of Oxford Archaeology, based in Lancaster. My job is pretty varied. It involves sysadmin duties, GIS, databases, and anything else that’s thrown at me. My real passion is building web-based interfaces to maps and data, but more generally I simply want to improve the digital tools and processes that my colleagues have available for doing archaeology.
first post
Well, everyone’s got to start somewhere!
I’ve just been trying out the new Flickr Geotagging capabilities, uploading photos of my recent wedding on the Isle of Mull, just off the west coast of Scotland. As countless people have said elsewhere, Flickr have got it pretty much spot on with this geotagging interface. Being able to drag and drop the photos is great- does it get more intuitive than that?
My only qualm is the quality of the mapping for the UK.