archaeogeek weekly twitter round up 2
writing notes for “An Introduction to GIS using QGIS” #workingtheweekend #qgis #fb #
maybe I don’t understand all the #freesoftware vs #opensource args but what’s the point ofthis (via @glynmoody) #
just had an ubergeeky half hour debugging a mono application on osx. Perhaps need to get a life… #
w00t, made it to 300 followers! Hello everyone! #
wonders if she has been inadvertently trying acai berries without realising (via @daanensen) #
hey this is good- post a honeypot tweet then report the spammers who reply #
developer support for #qgis get your ideas for improvements down now! #
easy to agree with this but where’s the refs to back up the national debt claim, and why no commenting? #ukuncut #
Saw woman and kid on bike, mum had hi vis and helmet, kid had none and was sitting side saddle #dokidsbounce #
was glad #linkedin asked for pwds to be changed after #gawkerfail but wished they’d explained first before disabling account #paranoia #
is teaching an introduction to gis using #qgis and #osm and a picture of her dog #fb #
is going to need a second coffee to get things started this morning… #
got asked for ID buying booze… am now old enough to really appreciate that! #fb #
Petition @Yahoo to make Delicious open source RT to sign #
today things have mostly gone wrong. Time for the weekend… #fb #